Deviant leadership. Deviant leadership is a hybrid descriptor that identifies deviancy in leadership applications that influence and destroy value, lives, or otherwise adversely affects followers and Organizational Performance & Value (OP&V).  Leaders and leadership play key roles in creating deviancy through establishing rules, if violated, are the basis for designating an individual or leader as deviant (Burns, Goethals, & Sorenson, 2004).  Deviant leadership is systematic and repeated behaviors that violate legitimate interests of an organization by undermining its goals, tasks, resources, effectiveness, motivation, well-being, or job satisfaction of subordinates (Aasland et al., 2007).  Violation or passive absence of sound leadership principles that creates adverse influence or impact on individuals and OP&V is termed deviant leadership.

Deviant. Deviant is a descriptor based on the definition of deviancy by Merriam-Webster (2013) as deviating from an accepted norm.

What Is Deviant Leadership?

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